Hi Everyone,
This week was not very exciting in the realm of service. I unfortunately had a huge French project and an exam. School definitely filled my schedule. I also became a pledge mom this past Thursday to a wonderful Tridelt! J Also, this week was Fat Talk Free Week. Fat Talk Free Week (FTFW) is a national campaign sponsored by tridelta to promote positive self-image. There was a booth around Class of 50 this week. The booth had a tracing of a body on which were post-it notes. People were invited to write something they loved about themselves and put it on the body, and then take a piece of candy. They were also given the option to pledge to be Fat Talk Free. It was definitely a success!! I worked this booth for an hour. There were a lot of really cute posts, some that were very…honest, etc. (The best one by far was: “All tridelts are attractive!”J) This weekend during the football game, tridelta will be doing Spots for Tots. Tridelta is selling parking spots for cash for St. Jude. This has been a huge success in the past and I am sure that it will be even better tomorrow with Homecoming! I am unable to work this weekend, as I am babysitting for a family friend. While I’m babysitting, I intend to work on my editorial. I have just started it, but it’s going very slow. It’s most likely due to the fact that I’m pretty burned out from this week. This upcoming week, I will be putting together packages for Letters from Home. That was supposed to be this weekend, but the babysitting came up rather suddenly. I still have to go to the store to buy supplies to mail, but my treasurer is back at school and in the state so it will be much easier and much more fun. Someone posted a comment on my blog in regards to doing ice breakers at meetings! That’s one of the best ideas I have heard! I will definitely start doing that. I have played ice breakers before but never thought about incorporating them into meetings! I am really excited for the next meeting sometime in mid-November! I will definitely keep you posted as to the time and date as always! On another note, I still have not heard back from the hospital. I have called several times and still haven’t heard anything back. I really would love to volunteer there, but I am glad I have a couple back-up options because getting all the hours there might be hard, as they have filled a lot of positions and lots of people want to volunteer there. I will just keep checking back until they tell me no. I am hoping to put more service hours in next week working with Letters from Home by making packages! I will start recruiting sisters and members now who want to help put the packages together!
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
You’ve just gotta love those crazy weeks! They just make the others seem so much better. Hopefully everything went well with the project and exam. The Fat Talk Free Week sounds like such a wonderful thing. Too many girls have low self-image, and getting that changed is so important! I think that it is awesome that even in your busy weeks you find the time to help out with other people and organizations. You truly want to help others out with your service, not just for a grade or because it looks good. Being involved in so many different service organizations helps to show this, they aren’t all for this class or your sorority some are just because. Hopefully your editorial is coming along well. I really need to get started on that! I am having trouble getting started with it but hopefully tonight I can get something started for it. Best of luck with your classes, sorority and many service activities!
ReplyDeleteFirst, I would just like to begin by saying that you Tridelts seem to do a lot of philanthropies! I think this is absolutely great. Your philanthropies definitely help to promote awareness, raise money, and they hit on key issues. Self-image is a huge problem in America with teens and college students, and promoting people to have a positive self-image is so great. A lot of people do dumb things that hurt themselves just to look "more attractive" to other people, but what these people never understand is that the idea of being attractive is all based on someone else's standards. People should not care what someone else's standards are, they should do what makes themselves happy and not live by someone else's norms or ideas. I like your idea of writing the thing that people like most about themselves on the body poster. Everyone has something about themselves that is amazing and unique, and I personally believe that it is not even on the outside. I think what makes people who they are is their personality, not what they look like. I do not think that anyone should be judged on appearance because their true self lies within their personality.
ReplyDeleteI was passing by the memorial mall that day of the FTFW, and I got asked to write something cool. I know Pear and Izzy I don't know if you know them, but I saw Pear over there. She jumped over and startled me, and I spent a minute thinking of what to write but then the girls were like just write you like your smile or your legs, so I did that. I like the idea of raising awareness concerning health issues, but in the same time I think it makes people over conscious about their body image specially that some people are born like that. That's why girls think they have to weight 100 pounds and look skinny to be hot. I think being healthy and being attractive became two different things when they're supposed to be the same. but I like how you always try to help people out, it's always nice to have more people like you around.