Sunday, October 30, 2011

Time Heals All...

Hi Everyone,
This week has been quite busy! I haven’t had much time to volunteer with any of my organizations.  I had two exams and several projects, so most of my time has been pre-occupied with the numerous tasks from school.  I am taking care of some Letters from Home stuff this week.  At the next meeting, we will be making Thanksgiving Day cards and including fall/autumn decorations, items, and candy.  I am really excited for the Christmas packages.
I finally have heard back from the hospital!  I was so excited that they wanted me for an orientation program at the hospital.  I have called and am partaking in the next orientation session because the one I was scheduled for was last Wednesday.  Last Wednesday I had an exam though.  My exam was in physics and it was extremely difficult!  The orientation would have been done before my exam but I did not want to risk my grade as I was already really nervous for my exam.  I am really excited, also because I will most likely be working in the maternity ward.  I spoke with human resources and they are really nice.  I really think it will be a positive working environment and that it will be something I love.
                In the past week, I have faced many, many challenges in many ways.  I have been faced with increasing amounts of stress and have had to learn how to stand up for myself, as well as face the consequences of what that meant.  Over the past week, I feel like I have learned more about myself both bad and good.  I am hoping everything will work out for the best this week, and that many things will resolve themselves.  Mostly, I feel like I am in rough situations and I just need time to heal all of them.  Unfortunately, at the same time, I feel time is moving very slow.  I am keeping optimistic and I hope that I am able to benefit my organizations this week and I am hoping that this is just a minor speed bump on my road to success.
For the Kids,

Friday, October 21, 2011

I Pledge...

Hi Everyone,
This week was not very exciting in the realm of service.  I unfortunately had a huge French project and an exam.  School definitely filled my schedule.  I also became a pledge mom this past Thursday to a wonderful Tridelt! J  Also, this week was Fat Talk Free Week.  Fat Talk Free Week (FTFW) is a national campaign sponsored by tridelta to promote positive self-image.  There was a booth around Class of 50 this week.  The booth had a tracing of a body on which were post-it notes.  People were invited to write something they loved about themselves and put it on the body, and then take a piece of candy.  They were also given the option to pledge to be Fat Talk Free.  It was definitely a success!!  I worked this booth for an hour.  There were a lot of really cute posts, some that were very…honest, etc.  (The best one by far was:  “All tridelts are attractive!”J)  This weekend during the football game, tridelta will be doing Spots for Tots.  Tridelta is selling parking spots for cash for St. Jude.  This has been a huge success in the past and I am sure that it will be even better tomorrow with Homecoming!  I am unable to work this weekend, as I am babysitting for a family friend.  While I’m babysitting, I intend to work on my editorial.  I have just started it, but it’s going very slow.  It’s most likely due to the fact that I’m pretty burned out from this week.  This upcoming week, I will be putting together packages for Letters from Home.  That was supposed to be this weekend, but the babysitting came up rather suddenly.  I still have to go to the store to buy supplies to mail, but my treasurer is back at school and in the state so it will be much easier and much more fun.  Someone posted a comment on my blog in regards to doing ice breakers at meetings! That’s one of the best ideas I have heard! I will definitely start doing that.  I have played ice breakers before but never thought about incorporating them into meetings!  I am really excited for the next meeting sometime in mid-November!   I will definitely keep you posted as to the time and date as always!  On another note, I still have not heard back from the hospital.  I have called several times and still haven’t heard anything back.  I really would love to volunteer there, but I am glad I have a couple back-up options because getting all the hours there might be hard, as they have filled a lot of positions and lots of people want to volunteer there.  I will just keep checking back until they tell me no.  I am hoping to put more service hours in next week working with Letters from Home by making packages!  I will start recruiting sisters and members now who want to help put the packages together! 
Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Philanthropic Endeavors

Hi Everyone!
Whew!  This week was so busy! 
I’ll start with today.  Today was Delta Delta Delta’s Game Day!  It was such a success! A lot of people from around campus came!  I was in charge of set up and clean up.  It was a lot of work, but I loved it.  As part of my job, I had to vacuum the carpets before and after, rearrange the furniture, put up decorations, and make sure everything was in order for our guests.  At half time a St. Jude family came and talked.  I spoke with the former patient for about 45 minutes.  I really clicked with her and enjoyed talking to her very much.  She had such a positive outlook on life.  The first words she said to me, as I extended my hand to shake hers, were “I spent two months in physical therapy to learn how to hug again. I only hug now.”  It was truly one of the best hugs I have ever gotten.  I am amazed at her courage and strength and cannot wait to do what those doctors did for her.  We raised a ton of money for St. Jude and I am super excited that we were able to start a Game Day tradition this year.  The service hours I put in didn’t even feel like service hours. (Pictures to come!)
Secondly, this week there was a Letters from Home meeting.  It went very well.  There were a lot of cards made for Halloween packages and I am truly excited to put the packages together in the upcoming days (probably this upcoming weekend).  I have spoken with my PR team again.  I really feel like they are not as into the organization as I am, and therefore hesitate to complete their job.  Its okay, but I just wish they cared about it as much as I do.  Hopefully, this situation will be corrected before the next meeting in November.  Another thing, I am trying to find a better way to open up meetings.  Right now, I feel like the meetings are not cohesive.  At the end, most people are talking and having a good time, but at the beginning, I feel it is awkward .  I am trying to devise a plan  to correct this for the next meeting next month as well.  Any Ideas?
I hope everyone’s week is not too busy! I know mine will be, but it’s For the Kids!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Boiler Up for St. Jude's!

Hey Boilermakers!
This past week was really busy and I was not able to do much for Letters from Home, but I was busy with registering and organizing things for St. Jude’s!  This upcoming week, will definitely be for Letters from Home as there is a meeting this upcoming Thursday and at some point, shopping for Halloween package supplies will be necessary. (Especially now that I have my car back!!)
One of the best parts of college life is football games!  Of course the best ones are home games; however, this weekend, while it’s an away game, there is a ton of room for fun!  This weekend, Tridelta will be hosting Game Day!  This is an event held at the Tridelt house!  There will be games, prizes, food, and entertainment, including Purdue’s away game on a projection screen!  All of the proceeds will go to benefit cancer research for children!  The tickets are 7.00 at the door, but if you buy them early from me, it’s only 5.00!  This is a great way to support our football team at Purdue and St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital!  I am logistics chair for the Game Day committee so I am obviously very excited about this philanthropy event.  I am responsible for making sure everything is in place and planning where everything will go.  This has been really fun, but really stressful.  I sat down with our philanthropy chair for an hour and had to plan out where everything would go, where we would put all the furniture, etc.  While that portion of my job is over until the day of the event when I have to set-up; I have been doing sponsorship as well.  I dropped off all those letters to businesses around campus.  Happily, we got a good response back and many of the businesses have agreed to donate.  Some have donated food and supplies (Thanks Hungry Boiler!!!), spirit gear, and some have gone as far as donating prizes for the games and raffles.  This is a huge help.  The less money we have to spend out of our budget, the more we have to work towards raising money for St. Jude!  Right now, the committees are currently on the hunt for people with tailgating games and footballs, etc.  We want to provide these things to participants during the day!  I am hopeful for a good turnout!
                I have also officially registered to volunteer at the St. Jude’s Walk in Carmel, Indiana on November 19th! I am very excited for this walk!  I have not figured out what I am going to be doing, but I am happy helping anywhere I am needed!! J